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From The Islands To The Unreached

We exist to support the local Pasifika church in mobilizing its people to proclaim Christ crucified to the unreached.

“Let them give glory to the LORD and proclaim his praise in the islands.”

Isaiah 42:12

What Sets Us Apart

At Pasifika Mobilization, our goal is to produce God Glorifying, Local Church Edifying, Nation Reaching, and Culturally Contextualized resources and content for the Pasifika church.



First and foremost, we do all things for the glory of God. We long to see God glorified. This is the very basis of the existence of Pasifika Mobilization. We desire to see God worshipped in every nation, by every tribe, and in every language.

Local Church




Culturally Contextualized

We want to support and build up the local Pasifika lotu (church). As an organization, we never want to replace the role of the local church. We believe that missions and mobilization begin and are carried out by the local church, not an organisation. Our goal is to come alongside the local church, providing resources and helping support them in as they engage the unreached.

We believe that Jesus’ last words in Matthew 28 are very clear. As followers of Jesus, we are to make disciples of people from all nations. We long to see the Pasifika church play an active role in not only proclaiming the gospel to the unreached but also planting healthy, theologically sound indigenous churches among the unreached.

Pasifika Mobilization is focused on providing resources that are contextualized to Pacific Islander culture and translated into various Pasifika languages.

Go therefore
and make disciples
of all nations

Matthew 28:19a

Get in touch

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us using the contact information provided
